LAVENDER (Flower Amethyst) - A Stone of Peace and Intuition

LAVENDER (Flower Amethyst) - A Stone of Peace and Intuition

LAVENDER (Flower Amethyst), is a beautiful gemstone known for its peaceful and intuitive properties. In this post, we’ll explore the many benefits of this stone and how it can support you on your journey to peace and intuition.



  • A stone of calmness and clarity - help you relax your mind, clear your thoughts and access your intuition.
  • A stone of peace and protection - help you dispel negative energies, create a peaceful environment and shield yourself from harm.
  • A great stone for meditation - as it can enhance your spiritual awareness, connect you with your higher self and open your third eye.



LAVENDER is associated with several chakras, including:

  • Third Eye Chakra (intuition, vision and wisdom): It can help you trust your intuition, expand your vision and access your wisdom.
  • Crown Chakra (consciousness, enlightenment and connection): It can help you raise your consciousness, achieve enlightenment and connect with the divine.



LAVENDER is associated with Neptune and Uranus:

  • Neptune (spirituality, dreams and imagination): It can help you explore your spirituality, remember your dreams and unleash your imagination.
  • Uranus (innovation, change and freedom): It can help you embrace innovation, welcome change and express your freedom.



LAVENDER is associated with Aquarius, Pisces, and Sagittarius:

  • Aquarius (original, independent and humanitarian) - help you celebrate your uniqueness, follow your own path and serve humanity.
  • Pisces (compassionate, intuitive and mystical) - help you cultivate compassion, listen to your intuition and tap into your mysticism.
  • Sagittarius (adventurous, optimistic and philosophical) - help you seek adventure, maintain optimism and explore philosophy.



LAVENDER is associated with the Air and Water elements:

  • Air (communication, intellect and ideas): It can help you communicate effectively, sharpen your intellect and generate ideas.
  • Water (emotion, intuition and healing): It can help you process your emotions, trust your intuition and heal yourself.



In conclusion, LAVENDER is a powerful gemstone with numerous benefits. It can support you in finding peace, intuition, protection in your life. Consider incorporating this stone into your daily routine to experience its positive effects.

If you’re interested in purchasing LAVENDER, we invite you to visit our online store and explore our selection of LAVENDER products. Shop now and bring the power of LAVENDER into your life!

If you’d like to learn more about other gemstones in our collection, we invite you to explore our online store. We offer a wide range of gemstone products and resources to support your journey.

Visit our store today and discover the power of gemstones for yourself!

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